What to expect?

CEAEM has a wide variety of basic and advanced courses for all types of health professionals and the general public.

The main focus of this courses is the training and re-training of emergency medical personnel, so they can have experience on fast-making decisions, working in high pressure environments, resilience, endurance, and technical abilities, but also develop strong communication skills, teamwork, integrity, solidarity, and care.

The population who commonly participate in our training are health professionals and the general public who are interested on giving emergency services.

Who can take this courses?

The population who commonly participate in our training are health professionals and the general public who are interested on giving emergency services.

What courses we offer?

We offer a diversity of courses for the emergency medical personnel such as:

    • Basic Life Support (BLS)
    • First Aids with Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Automated External Defibrillator  (FA with CPR & EAD)
    • Family and Friends CPR
    • Pediatric Advance Life Support (PALS)
    • Advance Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS)
    • Prehospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS)
    • Emergency Medical Responder (EMR)
    • Air Medical Crew (AMC)
    • Mass Casualty Incident-Triage (MCI-T)
    • General Concepts of Anatomy and Physiology and their Clinical Application in Patients

Population who regularly participates on our program

Emergency Technicians and/or Paramedics
Emergency Technicians and/or Paramedics
Radiology Technicians
Radiology Technicians
Occupational Therapist and / or physical assistant
Occupational Therapist and / or physical assistant

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