What to expect?
CEAEM has a wide variety of basic and advanced courses for all types of health professionals and the general public.
The main focus of this courses is the training and re-training of emergency medical personnel, so they can have experience on fast-making decisions, working in high pressure environments, resilience, endurance, and technical abilities, but also develop strong communication skills, teamwork, integrity, solidarity, and care.
What courses we offer?
We offer a diversity of courses for the emergency medical personnel such as:
- Basic Life Support (BLS)
- First Aids with Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Automated External Defibrillator (FA with CPR & EAD)
- Family and Friends CPR
- Pediatric Advance Life Support (PALS)
- Advance Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS)
- Prehospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS)
- Emergency Medical Responder (EMR)
- Air Medical Crew (AMC)
- Mass Casualty Incident-Triage (MCI-T)
- General Concepts of Anatomy and Physiology and their Clinical Application in Patients
Population who regularly participates on our program
Your career in CEAEM starts here.
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